6th NCST Company I (Cedar Fork Rifles)

The original Silk Flag presented by THE YOUNG LADIES OF CEDAR FORK
to the North Carolina Grays
Now in the collection of the North Carolina Museum of History
In February 2015, the membership of the Sixth NCST decided to undertake the effort to raise the funds to conserve the silk flag of the North Carolina Grays. At the time, it seemed like an almost impossible task, given that the estimated total was nearly $14,000. We had some money left over from our fund raising for the Sixth's Saylor's Creek battle flag, and various efforts had raised our total to $6000 by late 2018. In 2019, the 26th NC Reactivated announced that they would take the N.C. Grays flag as their next preservation effort and joined with us in fund raising.
I'm happy to announce that the North Carolina Museum of History, has confirmed that we have now raised the entire amount of $13,742. needed to complete this project. The membership of the Sixth NCST would like to thank everyone who donated to the effort and would like to especially thank the 26th NCT for their help and assistance these past 4 years to reach the goal of conserving this beautiful flag.
The Flag has been sent to the Conservator as of April 2023 and we hope to receive it back within a year.
We still have a way to go before we see this flag displayed in the Museum so that everyone can view its beautiful folds, and learn the story of how one community supported its sons and husband as they went to war.
Through the kind generosity of people like all of you we are getting closer every day. Thank You!

Flag Preservation Facebook Page
Click here to See More Photos of this Flag from the North Carolina Museum of History
Click below to read more about the Flag and its history in the article:
"The North Carolina Grays- Will their flag ever fly again?
The 6th North Carolina State Troops Battle Flag Preservation committee wishes to thank all the individuals, descendants and other donors who have helped us preserve this important reminder of the sacrifices made by the North Carolinians of the 6th NCST one hundred and fifty years ago.